Saturday, December 8, 2012

Rebuild Auto Wiper Blades

Goal of the Market

If you want quality beam wiper blades, you'll have to replace them each year or every other year. Manufacturers want you to throw the assembly away when the rubber wears out, few places sell just the rubber. Most actually glue the rubber in so you can't get them out.

Known Rebuildable Makes

At Walmart, the Anco beam blades has the spring steel epoxied to the plastic, but the tips come off and you can slide in new rubber. I was able to trim the steel to fit my car with bolt cutters, since they don't make them short enough to fit. At other retailers, the Bosh Icon blades also can have the rubber removed, except the entire spring steel piece can be removed completely after the tips, rubber, and sheath. If you plan on sliding in your own rubber, you will need to trim off the ridge in the center, as pictured below. A dab of lube (WD40) will help get them in. Just remember to wash with dish soap after.

Replacement Rubber

The replacements from Rock Auto that I ordered where not the right type, but some Trico refill kit from Advance Auto were, pictured below.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tasker: CPU max in Call


I've been through a few tasker profiles for during calls. This version waits 15 seconds after entering the in call state, and then sets CPU max to 200mhz. It aborts if one of the exit tasks changes the variable while its running. Tasker only runs one task at once, and will interrupt if the priorities are different, so setting the abort profile higher allows it to interrupt. Whenever I change the CPU max, I always put a perm notification up so you can cancel it manually.

Code from backup

Task: Wait, Lower CPU 200mhz (42)
Run Both Together
A1: Variable Set [ Name:%CallTrigger To:1 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A2: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:15 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ]
A3: If [ %CallTrigger ~ 1 ]
A4: Notify [ Title:CPU at 200mhz, click to cancel Text: Icon: Number:0 Permanent:On Priority:3 ]
A5: CPU [ CPU:0 Governor:smartassV2 Min. Frequency:100000 Max. Frequency:200000 ] 

Task: Return CPU to normal (40)
A1: Variable Set [ Name:%CallTrigger To:0 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A2: CPU [ CPU:0 Governor:smartassV2 Min. Frequency:100000 Max. Frequency:1000000 ]
A3: Notify Cancel [ Title:CPU at 200mhz, click to cancel Warn Not Exist:Off ]
A4: Notify Cancel [ Title:CPU at 400mhz, click to cancel Warn Not Exist:Off ] 

Profile: In Call (39)
Priority: 6 CoolDown: 0
State: Call [ Type:Any Number:* ]
Enter: Wait, Lower CPU 200mhz (42)

Profile: Abort Call Event (41)
Priority: 10 CoolDown: 0
Event: Phone Idle
Enter: Return CPU to normal (40)

Profile: Abort Call State (43)
Priority: 10 CoolDown: 0
State: Call [ Type:Any Number:* ]
Exit: Return CPU to normal (40)

Profile: Cancel 200mhz (23)
Event: Notification Click [ Owner Application:Tasker Title:CPU at 200mhz, click to cancel ]
Enter: Return CPU to normal (40)